速報APP / 商業 / B & B Private Hire

B & B Private Hire



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B & B Private Hire(圖1)-速報App

B&B Private Hire Ltd. is a well established private hire business which has been trading for over 34 years.

B & B Private Hire(圖2)-速報App

We are based in Blackburn town centre – we provide private hire services to Blackburn and surrounding areas. All airports are covered.

B & B Private Hire(圖3)-速報App

We have a substantial fleet of high standard vehicles.

B & B Private Hire(圖4)-速報App

All vehicles are satellite tracked via a GPRS data system for the safety of our customers. The booking and despatch system is provided by Cab Treasure. Each vehicle is equipped with a mobile PDA.

B & B Private Hire(圖5)-速報App

B & B Private Hire(圖6)-速報App
